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Question 1 of 5: Where are you currently on your digital transformation journey?
Question 2 of 5: When considering making a change to your infrastructure, such as hardware or software, or pivoting to an as-a-service, what is most important to you?
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Question 3 of 5:What is the biggest challenge with your current technology deployment(s)?
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Question 4 of 5: What steps or processes is your organization taking to identify how AI will help your organization?
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Question 5 of 5: Timeframe: What is your timeframe for evaluating or adopting a new infrastructure solution?
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Would you like to schedule a 30-minute phone meeting to learn more and upgrade your $5 Gift Card code to $50? Answering no will complete the survey.
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Thank you for your interest. This survey has ended. Please email with any questions.
